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Astro Shapes

Astro Shapes
After a long wait, a completely new game is revealed here! Enjoy a fun little 3D puzzle game: Astro Shapes. Unveil the secret symbols of the stars! Complete the full quest and conquer all the challenges!

From Trash

From Trash
Unveiling a new 4 kbyte intro: 'From Trash'. Released last weekend at Revision 2024 demoscene meeting. This intro proves that cool things can be created from garbage :) - just sit back and watch how trash comes to life! Here is the real-time version!

the good, the bad and the demojoe

the good, the bad and the demojoe
Embark on a journey through the classic wild west with our beloved demojoe hero in this new 4kbyte intro animation :) Click to watch the adventure video capture or experience the real-time version here!!

fireworks minigame

fireworks minigame
Are you in need of some relaxation? I've just crafted a new mini-game featuring simple fireworks displays. It's a super easy way to find some calm amidst the chaos. Try it out here! 🎇


It is time to check the winner 4kbyte intro production from Function demoscene meeting, last weekend at Budapest. Fluted all around :) You can check the real time version here!


This time it is 8k! Double size & double content ;) Here is the winner 8kbyte intro from last week demoparty: QBParty 2023! Check the real time version here! Enjoy!

NeoGP remastered - in development

NeoGP remastered - in development
It is time to upgrade one of the best game on this site: NeoGP remastered is in development! The demo is playable now with full HTML5 support here! Stay tuned for the full upgraded version coming soon!
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